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This year has been a busy painting year, in and out of the studio.
For the second year running, the brilliant Wapping Group of Artists (@wappinggroupofartists_1946) have very generously invited me to paint with them along the Thames in London and further afield.
This is a great and most enjoyable privilege for me and has resulted in my aiming for candicacy to one day, maybe one day, become a 'Wapper' myself.

I felt brave enough this year to submit not two, but four paintings to the Royal Society of Marine Artists for their annual exhibition in September. All four were accepted and I was granted candidacy for membership of the RSMA.
The result was that I have been elected to membership and am now an Associate Member (ARSMA).

At the end of September I took a party of painter friends to Venice for a week of painting. Glorious sunshine greeted us and we painted and wined and dined very happily for a week in the city that never fails to inspire!

Now on to painting projects for next year …….

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